There has not been a good NFS game sinceHP2 and pro street is not realistic. Its just one more crappy NFS game made for 15 year olds so they can be 133t.
I run it at 1920*1200 and it looks great but just be ready to turn down the settings. With all the settings hacked to Very high I get like 15 FPS even on 8800 Ultra.
I have played both and think the PC version looks better. But it depends on your system specs, not only that but what is more comfortable to you, a game pad or a mouse an keyboard?
If your not playing HD your are missing out, I have the VGA and play at 1920*1080P on my dell 24" wide screen. It looks amazing and the monitor was only $600. For those of you saying that its not a huge difference, if I play at the resolution that your playing at it shows up as like a 2" by 2"square in the middle of my screen. Dont miss out on the other 22 inches of the game that your not seeing. Even if your playing on a big TV its just streching the same small 2' square.
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