Do you have a dedicated card or integrated? If you get a new card more than likely you are going to need to upgrade your power supply since it is probably only a 350 watt. If you're on a budget grab a GTX 560ti and at LEAST a 600-850 watt power supply just for expandibility.Â
Frosty192's forum posts
I actually went back to it 3 days ago and just beat it yesterday. I beat the first boss in ng+ and I will continue to play it till I beat it again and get the "bad" ending. It is an amazing game and very very hard to put down once you get going.
You know back in the day when the PS3 was released the CHEAPEST blu ray player you could get was $1200-$2000. So the system was actually a pretty damn good deal. So your comment was ignorant and just plain stupid, please go back under your bridge.Blame SONY for charging $600 for a console.
Actually PC gaming is increasing in popularity. Do some research before you post this garbage. Thanks!
I am playing as the Demon Hunter right now and I feel the same way. They should just give you an option to zoom out a little further in singleplayer.
Graphics are like WOW? I am sorry but Orcirina of Time on N64 had better graphics than WOW.
I love the game but I personally think that you should AT LEAST have as many humans players in the game that there are characters to choose from. My group of 5 people would've been perfect but now we have to leave 1 man out. Someone correct me if I am wrong but didn't d2 have 8 player co op? If they at least change it to 5 then that would be fine with me. 4? really?
enderdragon does not exist on the 360...yet..
go to and look at their DIY kits. That machine you posted is a dual core cpu that is already out of date and the gpu is hardly anything. I am sorry but depeding on what you get it for I wouldnt spend more than 150-200 for it.
[QUOTE="BIGJAB"]snake, snake, fish. you're welcome.PC needs an update immediately. This game was released to early. I am stuck in the first dungeon cause a door wont open. Don't buy this game till patch is out.
Hahahaha! Nice! Yeah if you're stuck on the FIRST dungeon you should not be playing an Elder Scrolls game.
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