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Guitar hero - Something that bothers me

Guitar hero has obviously made a impact on the gaming industry. The newest one features downloadable songs, and with the introduction of Rock band, the popularity of these games have sky rocketed. But I was wondering, do games like guitar hero lower the apprecation of bands and their music? For example, I was playing "Woman" and a kid went up to me and said "Hey Guitar Hero!" I was like "what???" Also friend of mine who hates Guitar hero, was going to play "Cliffs of Dover" at the talent show, but when he found out that it was on the new guitar hero, he dropped the idea all together. He even said that people who arn't guitarists would have never known the song, but since it was on guitar hero every gamer knows it. I find this statement to be true. I asked a kid once "do you like Rage Against the Machine?" and he said no, he didn't like their song on guitar hero(by the way it was a cover of the song). A lot of people, when they hear a song from GH, they would immediately connect the two together or label the song a "Guitar Hero Song". Whatever happened to learning bands and songs know.... CDs and concerts and stuff? Well, just a thought I had and wanted to share it. What do you guys think of this?