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My favorites of E3

Now that E3 is over I am pumped for some games this holiday season. Heres some of the games Im looking forward to... Resident Evil 5  Chris Redfield is back in probably the most solid title at E3, liked the new character, the gorgous graphics, new building architectures, and co-op. the gameplay look like resi four, but capcom has stated that they will offer multiple control schemes players can pick from, what can I say I love the Resi series and I am looking forard to this. Honestly we need more zombie games, and while the enemies in RE5 are not techically zombies they are close enough. Heres to Capcom! Far Cry 2  The Developers While I liked the first one the cliche character and faulty AI was a shame. This time you get to pick one of 9 characters so there no problem if you dislike a character. They also got rid of all the mutant stuff and focused on gunplay and realisim. this will also be the first time console players will get to play in the sandbox version like in the PC farcry. A unique feature is the perminant death for the characters, this is an inovative feature not used since Fire Emblem I believe. I may not be able to play Crysis but this is just as good. Project Origin  F.E.A.R. Alma again.... I was a huge fan of the original. Its horror sent chills down my spine and the combat well paced. The original was critizised by for its closed office enviorments and samey scares not to mention repetitive expantion packs with no minor improvements. Well, Project Origin does away with the same enviorments, mixes up it's scares, and completely ignores the tired FEAR expansions. The Graphics and the already great enemy AI have been have also been upgraded even further, making is one of my Favorite Games of E3. E3 Honorable mentions include: Fallout 3 (100 hours of gameplay? bloody mess? weeee), Street fighter 4 (My favorite fighter series goes 2.5D) and Killzone 2(terribly fantastic, best sony has to offer so far). There you have it my top games of E3!