I just came from an hour long shower, i love showers! i just love to sit there and feel the warm water. Oh yeah and i'm feeling better already, i noticed that you people were a bit worried, you're so sweet!
I should buy a new hard drive disk, i have only 933 mb left. i hope my brother buys me one for Christmas! oh how i love Christmas! all those lovely red decorations, and light ornaments! but there is one thing i can't stand about Christmas: those gnomes! they're freaky.
I was stuck in Jak 2: Renegade, in the "Destroy 5 Hellcat Cruisers", but i finally got past it, great thanks to Nirvana1929, i must remember to PM him later and thank him for his help.
My abs are sore, btw, i decided to do 100 sit ups, and when i got to 78, i had to stop, 'cos my abs were really hurting. I decided to continue to 100 soon after and now they're so sore! But as they say: no pain, no game!
I'm gonna go to play Jak 2 now, even though it's already 11 pm, but the night is young right? ;)