@espiranza88 In the end using "objective scores" to compare subjective reviews is a futile exercise. That applies both between different games on the same site as well as different reviews of the same game. A 9 for Last of Us is gonna be way different content-wise from a 9 for GTAV. What really matters is your own opinion.
@Klikandclick That's basically what was in 1942, Vietnam and 2. However, that barely deserved to be called a single player mode because the bots were TERRIBLE. I think they could make better bots today (esp. given the tactics I see in the campaign), but it would divert resources from the other areas.
@AudiosEnd I'm pretty sure the vehicles in Battlefield 2 had finite ammo, I think they only gave them unlimited ammo starting with 3 (though with the ammo bags of the Support Class most vehicles never ran out of ammo anyways)
I don't bother worrying about it because I've learned to separate games and media from my actual life. More accurately, I make a full distinction between games and reality. These game deaths might REPRESENT real-life deaths, but they AREN'T actual deaths. I don't give any second thought to killing in games because I know the computer or player(s) controlling that character won't actually get harmed by it. Certainly, I don't have any sudden urge to run into a mall with a gun or something. If other people have trouble separating fiction and games from reality, then that's their problem (and maybe their parents' too).
Hmm, I read an interesting approach on NoGripRacing. Slightly Mad Studios (makers of Shift 2: Unleashed) will let people make small "investments" into their new racing game early on - these people will get early builds and can give feedback to the studio. So basically an open pre-Alpha/Alpha testing for "investors" in the game
I find the Touhou series very interesting in terms of music, ZUN himself has stated that his games are meant to be carriers for his music, but they also complement the game well, give it its unique atmosphere. Especially, music can be a way for an indie game with no budget for insane graphics to stand out
I have to say one thing, it's never good to shoehorn a story into a genre that doesn't need it. Need for Speed tried to include stories ever since underground, and look what happened. The stories were absolute rubbish, they only detracted from the already-declining quality. The 2 recent games without stories, Hot Pursuit and Shift 2, are much better because of their lack of one. The moral here is that stories aren't for every genre, when they're included they should be well done, but they should not be put into games which don't need em
Though I'm guessing the reason of the 360's apparent "superiority" is because most games are developed for the 360 and ported to the PS3, it's not like it really matters. Most of the time, all we'll be paying attention to is the enemy or the interface. And of course, good graphics won't save bad/mediocre gameplay ("cough" Modern Warfare 2 "cough")
Asus P5E3 is a good motherboard; also, does anybody know when ATIis going to release the succesor to the ATI Radeon 4870X2, since the GTX 295 owns it badly?
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