I've been a fan of the Mass Effect franchise since the release of the first game about five years ago. I've played through it completely to 100%, bought the sequel and played through all of it(DLC included), so naturally I was excited at the prospect of Mass Effect 3 bringing us to a conclusion fitting of what I would call one of the best written sci-fi epics of our time. The fact that the game has always had a strong sense of choice and consequence when it comes to your actions, whether they be a verbal agreement or the more common in modern gaming, "down the end of a gun barrel", really drew me into a world that seemed more realistic than what is presented in most games. In this sense Mass Effect 3 gave me everything I wanted, and more.. until the last fifteen minutes of play.
I'm just going to cut right to it. What. The. Hell. After five years, after all that, this-this is it!? I kept thinking as the credits rolled, "There must be some mistake".. but there wasn't. Not one of my decisions I made during the ENTIRE game had any real effect on the ending. Oh wait, if my EMS is high enough, Shepard lives.. Oh wait, if I choose this ending instead, there's a different color beam of light from the other endings! The green is soo pretty and EDI and Joker are left to repopulate some random distant planet as biomechanical beings. Well that gives me the satisfaction I needed and expected from the series. NOT!
He knows what I'm talkin' about.
Let's delve a bit deeper, shall we? No matter which ending you choose, it plays out almost identically. After the team you take with you to save Earth is killed(@%^#), you deal with The Illusive Man(TIM) who is killed, Shepard passes out and is taken to a strange room or reality with a manifestation of the Citadel/Crucible. Some have put forth, and the novels would seem to back this, that this scene is partially a last ditch full indoctination attempt by the Reapers(Note the appearances of the boy, the growling Greyson experienced just as Shepard did, the differences in the manifestation between endings, and the ominous lines about Harbinger coming, and lastly the manifestation confirming that it is the Reapers) ..but really none of that even matters in the long run because in the end you only have 3 choices:
-Choose to control the Reapers, they leave, Shepard dies. Mass Relays are destroyed and every species is marooned on Earth which will likely fail. Normandy is somehow marooned on a distant planet. In the future the Normandy crew's descendants build a society that might as well not even be part of the Mass Effect universe. These people tell stories about "The Shepard", which we have apparenlty been experiencing.
-Choose to merge man and machine in synthesis, Reapers leave. Shepard dies. Mass Relays are destroyed and every species is marooned on Earth which will likely fail. Normandy is somehow marooned on a distant planet. EDI and Joker make love in the tall grass. In the future the Normandy crew's descendants build a society that might as well not even be part of the Mass Effect universe. These people tell stories about "The Shepard", which we have apparenlty been experiencing.
-Choose to destroy the Reapers, they die. Shepard dies(or lives depending on your EMS but still remains on Earth so he might as well be dead anyway). Mass Relays are destroyed and every species is marooned on Earth which will likely fail. Normandy is somehow marooned on a distant planet. In the future the Normandy crew's descendants build a society that might as well not even be part of the Mass Effect universe. These people tell stories about "The Shepard", which we have apparenlty been experiencing.
Yea, those are the choices.. and Shepard is uncharacteristically cool with all of them. Look, I don't mind when there is a bad ending but this is a BAD ending. As in it's completely flawed and out of place with the rest of the series. It ties up nothing and makes it all seem completely irrelevant, not to mention that it destroys the ME Universe as a whole. I didn't even feel like I was playing the same game in the last fifteen minutes. My choices and the hours of play had no real effect on the final outcome. In fact, the only way my choices would have at least seemed plausible is if I just let the Reapers destroy everything by barely playing and speeding through the story with minimal Galactic Readiness. At least then the cycles would continue and in my opinion that's a much better option and end to the series than what we got. If you had told me that the entire writing crew was fired and replaced by EA officials and novelists, I would believe you in a heartbeat because as it stand now, the ending is just broken.
On top of all that, the so called "perfect" ending, the one where Shepard lives, is just based on your EMS score. Since when should the ending of a ME game be decided by a number or how much you play multiplayer?
There are just so many issues here and I could spend all night going over the specifics which is why I'm just going to bail now and leave this mostly generalized. Bioware, it doesn't matter what DLC or MMO you release, this fan of the series is beyond disappointed.
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