Okay, these guys have been around for a while, but I just recently found them ^-^ Buono, Berryz, °C-ute, Hello! Project, Morning Musume, and Luna Sea. See what doing endless homework for school will do for an otaku? I've gone crazy XP Reading tons of manga and trying to catch up on everything I've missed because I was beyond busy with schoolwork. It paid off in the end, I got all As, top of the class in 2 out of 4 of my classes and had a lot of fun at school ^-^ I still have my summer reading for Honors English, though. Most of it will be done in Florida or on the way there (Speaking of Florida, I need to lose like 10 more pounds before Igo there T-T I don't want to be fatwhen I gothere.) What is everyone else's plans for summer? Anyone else coming to Florida? Does any other school force them to do summer work or is it just my school? Does anyone else have an addiction to Japanese music? If so, want to share some of your favorites? (Or all?) Metal music is good, too, though^-^
Fujiwara-no-Sai Blog
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
I had to make a Wordpress for school. I like the site so far ^-^ It seems like Miss. Roper's class is going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait for Honor English 11 now!!! Oh! My wordpress is http://www.saifujiwara.wordpress.com/ I think I'm going to play around with it more later. Maybe change the theme to Speed Grapher since I'm in more of a Speed Grapher than S-Cry-ed mood....
Sally's Song
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
This song fits my life so perfectly at the moment ^-^ I love it when songs do that. I hope that I end up like Sally. She and Jack get together in the end....
I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend
And does he notice
My feelings for him?
And will he see?
How much he means to me
I think it's not to be
What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Oh how I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may
It doesn't last
And will we ever
End up together?
No I think not
It's never to become
For I am not...the one
What makes me happy
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
I got this idea from a friend of mine. She has to keep this journal for her counselor about everything that makes her happy and everytime something makes her happy, she writes it down in her little book. So I've decided to make one myself about everything that makes me happy.
- Getting to talk to Aizen-chan again ^-^
- Talking to my boyfriend
- Going to school
- Watching anime
- Reading manga
- Getting hugs
- Cheering someone up
- Baking things like cookies, cakes and brownies
- Looking at the scale and seeing that I weigh less than 125 pounds
- Getting a new manga or anime
- Making a new friend
- Finding a new pair of cute shoes
- Talking with my friends
- My grades
- Learning something new
- When my mom isn't home
- When someone says that I make their day
- Solving a problem I've been working on for a long time
- Sudoku
- My music
- Finding an awesome new band
- Going to anime conventions
- Going on walks
- Hanging out with my little sister, James
- When my littlest sister, Tina, copies me in my taste of TV shows or music
- Talking to Aizen-chan
- When Mika doesn't say mean things about Aizen-chan or think of new ways to kill him
- Meeting online friends in real life
- Talking to Grimmjow
- Katie Gentry and her craziness and her ability to always know what to say
- Helping my friends study for their tests
- Wonka Bars
- Seeing friends I haven't seen in a while
- Pie
- When Elisabeth is home and I call her and we talk on the phone for hours
- Seeing Elisabeth, my BFF since kindergarten
- Wearing pretty dresses
- Thinking about going to college
- Books
- My friends
- Buying a new cosplay
- Putting up a new poster
- Playing tennis
- Working out
- Those times when everything just works out
- Talking to Mr. Cheatham about history
- When Miss. Westbrook takes time out of her busy schedule to help me with my AP Biology work
- Missing part of Spanish class
- Singing along to songs on the radio with James
- Seeing my grandparents
- Going over to a friends
- Getting a new plushie
- Going to Disney World
- Candy
- Writing a fanfic
- Skipping lunch to hang out in Miss. Dial's room with Katie, Katie, Laura, Sammi, Dovie, and Cory
- Sherlock Homles
- When someone tells me that I look good that day
- Shinny things
- Seeing that all of my friends are happy
- Knowing that I'm useful
- Acting like a butler or maid
- Cleaning my friends' houses
- Going to parties
- Throwing a party
- Laughing really hard and not being able to breathe and then my friends start laughing so I laugh more
- Feeling like I belong
- Knowing that people care about me
- Roller skating
- Riding a skateboard
- Running
- Black olives
- When Emily can escape the grasp of her older sister and come over to see me
- Being silly with my friends
- Thinking about living with my boyfriend
- Finding out that I have the highest grade in my AP Euro class
- Winning an award for AP Bio or AP Euro
- Getting a pair of new earrings
- Finishing a huge project for AP Bio and knowing I gave it 150%
- Watching Digimon in Japanese
- Watching the Nightmare Before Christmas
- Listening to Sally's Song
- When a song fits the mood your in and your life perfectly
- Going over to friends
- Getting to go to parties
- Making others smile
- Making fudge
- Hugging Mr. Cheatham and seeing his reactions, they're always so funny
- My favorite stuffed bear, Dagoru
- The times Aizen-chan isn't mad at me
- Dreaming
- When my teacher's say they are proud of me and believe in my abilities
- Taking an AP exam
- Answering all of my messages/comments
- Finding a song for my boyfriend and I
- Finding a good deal
- Having a mini party with my little sister and Mika
- Talking on the phone with friends
- Showers
- Seeing two of my friends hook up
- Having Sarah put my hair into French braids
- Passing notes with Sarah during Spanish class
- CJ's look of excitement whenever someone mentions Star Wars
- Working on computers
- Seeing the inside of a laptopt after working for 30 minutes to open it up
- Fixing things
- Toast
- Things that make me laugh
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
I really need my boyfriend right now. I'm in my room hyperventilating because I'm crying so much. My poor bear, Dagoru, is saturated with tears. I haven't cried this hard since Aizen-chan broke up with me.... My mom's boyfriend came over and started screaming at her so I tried to make him stop by saying, "Hey! Stop screaming. I'm trying to do my report." And he came in my room and started screaming and cussing me out. Then he went all bipolar and started saying how much he cared about me five minutes later. It's really scary. My mom just sat and watched as he screamed at me and made me cry. He called me rude, mean, anda failure at life and said no one liked me.... I guess it is true. I feel bad for my mom because her boyfriend treats her like she's stupid or a child. He does the same thing with me and he acts like he's my dad when he's not. He acts all high and mighty like he's our overlord and is better than us and we're just stupid animals. It's one of those times I wish I lived with my grandparents or my lovely AP Biology teacher or was just dead. Wow.... I just woke up from passing out from crying so much, I haven't done that in long time......
Happenings lately
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
My life lately has been hetic. I've been to two anime cons, gotten another boyfriend, and been on Spring Break. The two anime cons were Momo Con and Atanlta Anime Day. They were both loads of fun!!!! At Momo Con,I met this cool guy named Carlos. He's 21 and ultra cool!!! At Atlanta Anime Day, I met Chelesa, a really nice lady who gave me 40 volumes of manga because she is moving to Florida to become an animator!!! How cool is that? I may get tp see both of them again at AWA!!! Ihope I do, because they are really nice people. I wonder if this means I made con friends? I hope so! Oh!! Mika let me have back my Aizen figures and posters and said it was okay for me to watch Bleach and like Aizen again! The reason why she shouldn't let me in the 1st place was because there was this guy I was in love with named Aizen-chan (She calls him Saiga-san, though) and she feels like he hurt me and so she hates him and wants to kill him with all of her heart. I'll probably get in trouble just for mentioning his name T-T Anyways, she said I needed to get over him but now that I have a new boyfriend it will work out great. Speaking of my new boyfriend, what is up with me and guys with a nickname of Chris who live in New England? So far 3 out of 4 of the guys I've dated are called Chris and live in New England with my 3d ex being the only exception being called Dylan and living in Alaska. My boyfriends are all either 2 or 3 three years older than me. Is that weird or normal? Anyways, my Spring Break has been awesome!!! Katie came over and gave me her old camera!!!! It rocks my socks, man!!! My little sister got a phone and I got some new clothes and earrings and manga ^-^
Should I like this guy?
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
If you even know me a little, you probably know the guy I'm in love with is a guy that I call Aizen-chan who lives in CT. If you live here you even know what he looks like thanks to the pic I have of him! (I don't know if that's a good thing since every one of my friends I've shown his picture to threw up shortly afterwards and said, "Oh God! Really? I thought you liked him because he was incredibly hot, oh god, my eyes. No, just no, no, no." I think they just ate something bad because I don't think he looks ugly myself, but I do judge people solely on what's on the inside...) Anyways, I think he's a really nice guy. He's said some not nice things and gets mad at me a lot, but he doesn't mean to. He just needs someone to take out all of his anger on, my mom does it, too, so I must be the perfect type of person to do it to. According to my friends at school it's called abuse and anger problems. I don't think he has any. Everyone gets mad every now and then (well, I don't, but I don't like getting mad because it hurts people's feelings). And he's been an amazing friend to me. He normally listens to me and helps me out with a lot of things and gives really good advice. We like a lot of the same things and according to one of my best friends, Mika, we act a lot a like. He can be really sweet, nice, kind, funny and just super special awesome. The feeling I get when I talk to him is indescribable and it cheers me up to talk to him no matter what. The only problemsare we live really far apart and I'm not pleasing to him aesthetically. My friends at school say I should stop being in love with him. What do you think? I myself think I shouldn't stop being in love with him
A random poem
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
I found this poem and thought it fit my life at the moment ^-^
Once, twice, thrice, the bell
tolls. Its sound resonates
deep within my heart.
Forget it all, it
says. Forget the love that never
was and never will be.
Forget the happy
times you two shared together.
Just forget it all.
Forget your many
tears of sadness and sorrow.
Just forget the pain.
Forget the smiles.
Forget the tears and laughter.
Forget him, my dear.
Then, the bell stopped. Its
purpose being fulfilled. It
left me with a choice.
To remember or
to forget. Both ways are hard
and wrought with many pains.
So, which did I take?
The pain of remembering or
the pain to forget?
On the Topic of My Life
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
Yes, I did use a title like they would centuries ago! (No really!! Look at books from back then! A lot of them were named similarly like On the Origins of Species) But anyways, so far my life has been pretty sweet. I just found this awesome website for anime games (like I'll ever find time to play any of them T-T) I played around on it for a while and they are pretty fun. They are a lot of games on there. Hopefully you have google tanslator or a good knowledge of Chinese, though.
I live!!!!
by Fujiwara-no-Sai on Comments
YAY!!! I live!!! (Sh... Don't tell anyone on Imeem that I'm here!! I'm supposed to be writing a report, which I am, so I'm not on there.) Recently, I've been really busy, though, so I haven't been on here!! Come to think of it, why did I make this in the first place? *thinks* Oh yeah!!! Aizen-chan told me to!! ^-^ Well, he always knows best, so I'd better listen to him!!! I bet that no one on here even knows I exist!! Well, except for Aizen-chan, but that's pending. Sometimes I exist to him and other times I don't, no? Makes me wonder what I mean to him.... I bet nothing *sighs* Oh well!!! He's one of my bestest friends ever, so I can forgive me!!!! Oh!! Back to the site, I haven't been on here in ever and am writing this to avoid writing my report (My boyfriend is getting on to me for taking so long to write it) and answering all of my Imeem messages!!! (I just don't have time today!! It's already 2:30 in the morning!! T-T) Why does my school give summer homework anyways? I really wish they didn't and it's only if you're in Honors English, too!! T-T
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