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FullMetal1118 Blog

Where Did i Go? o_O

o_o i haven't been on here in ages lol


Well schools out for summer so hopefully i will be on more :D


Nothin too new with me, just playin God of War 2 and Pokemon Pearl xD


Oh and i'm now Addicted to Bleach :lol:



School has Started

Well I'm back in school which means very little play games time for Brittany. When i'm not hunched over homework the games i will be up ag against will be.... Dirge Of Cerberus-Almost beat just havent had time XD Okami-WOOHOO WOLFIE Final Fantasy 12-Yep good FF times Zelda TP-IT BETTER COME OUT THIS TIME and that is it :D Oh and of coarse the WoW game time will still be a must. I gotta get my druid leveled :D

Games WEE!

    Well i recently beat Ratchet and Clank Going Commando and then I've been working on God of War (God Mode) And JEEZE! it's freakin hard!!!!!! @_@ Today i started back on Daxter for the PSP and i'm already halfway done. I love those games ^_^ that's it for my current gaming stuff...WOOT

Ello there!

well hello everyone =D i haven't been on here much due to the lack of time and whatnot..but i am not officially going to make the attempt to get on ...and stay on more often ^_^

So hopefully this will work for me.