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300th Blog Special Thanks!!!!!

Well, after many years here, I have now reached what many either made already or just too bored to make that many blogs: 300!!!! Great, let the movie quotes begin then :P

Anyways, I would like to thank all of you people sleeping in the corner for supporting me for so many years and such and such. So, without further notice, here is (once again) my list of people who made an impact for the last 299 blogs!!!

bak: Yes, one of my best amigos around and stuff :P He was a good guy to let me be his friend when I started out here on Gamespot and I'm very happy to call him my great friend :)

Soaring: Man, I miss her very much. Since awhile back, we used to talk a lot but as life is, she has her life to deal with, here's hoping that one day we will meet and catch up the the good times :)

James (JeffHardy(MM)): Day one, I loved this guy, I knew that he was going to be a good friend to me and I knew that we would face many battles in our lives and I'm happy to have you as a friend mi amigo :)

SGR: His wisdom is wise depending on the video games he plays, he has a great input on not just games but life itself and happy to call him my best friend here :D

Dax: My music buddy, his sig making skills are great and has a heart of gold (and some copper) He is why I love music because he shares the same passion for it as I do and I'm happy he's my best friend :)

Diego: If it wasn't for him, I would never, ever played Super Meat Boy. Up the Irons Diego, one day we shall meet in real life and listen to deep music :)

Jav: This man can make water laugh (how he does it, I may never know) He can make everyone laugh when they are down and this man is my best friend for a reason :)

kbaily: Not going to lie but I do enjoy your blogs, very deep and straight to the point on anything that goes on in this world, including Rare (dang them) Your a good friend and I'm happy to know you :)

Roll: And to think there's two of you guys :P You guys are great and gifted in many ways in art and video games. I know that us meeting will never happen in real life but hey, a guy can hope right?

killer: This man gave me a shot as Officer in WOTU and since then, he's been a close friend and if ever needed help, I'm there to lend a hand :)

And then, there's all of you guys that I can't name off the top of my head :P You guys rock for sticking to me for so long.

And lastly, this one is for you my brother looking down on us right now, I bet he is proud at everyone that had a chance to meet you, everyday is not the same without you bro, I love you always.

Thanks again everyone for this big blog party :P Means a lot to me that you guys stuck around an old guy like myself (I know 20 isn't much but eh :P ) and hope that maybe one day in the future, we can meet only once and share great moments in gaming history and talk like gamers :)

Cheers to you all chicos 8)