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Aj lives on forever

I just came back from a party. It's really late but I'm going to bed.

Funny thing happened. Me and Flame was sitting at a table near my family and one of my other friends tripped over a soda can and crashed into a table of foods.

Oh and I went to my school's graduation today because the band performed and I had to make a speech because Aj went to the same school.

Now, this is a convention center which can hold....14,000 people for sporting events. The place is packed and I got the Seniors waiting for who's going to make the speech. I barely stepped in the curtain and the place went nuts. They were all screaming:


After it died down, I made my speech:

Seniors, I stand here because of my late brother. He went to this school and showed that no matter where he is, he will live on forever!!!!

The place goes nuts again as they keep chanting Aj's name. I felt happy and I think Aj is smiling down on all of us.