Hello chicos, since the lasy blog drew some comments, I think another round of fun facts about me should happen :P
1. I want Mexico to be a very great team heading into the World CUp 2010 in South Africa. I also like U.S.A., Spain and any other team that can win :P
2. I have 45 issues of Gameinformer :P
3. Mario is my favorite hero, next to Kirby
4. Me and my late bro once decided to have a challenge on who can eat the most chicken nuggets from McDonalds. I ate a good 35. My brother ate 67. Now you know why this fool likes to eat a lot :lol:
5. I have many gaming posters on my walls because I collect them and make my room more interesting then the dust sitting on my book :P
6. Sgt. Frog, Hellsing, Fullmetal Alchemist and One Piece are my favorite animes. Dragonball Z is just too great to list
7. Big Mac with a side order of large fries and a large Dr. Pepper is my favorite fast food that I order most often. My dad can eat 2 Big Macs. My brother says needs chicken :lol:
8. My dad, no kidding, made me a Pokeball :P
9. My bed is a full size but I'm too big for it :o
10. AFK means away from keyboard, not a f***ing key :lol: :lol:
11. My most played video game would be Rock Band 2
12. My wallet has a chain from it because it's afraid of the light :lol:
13. My favorite movie is The Blues Brothers, then The Dark Knight.
14. I watched The Dark Knight 11 times in the movies. I have yet to meet that movie that epic that I would sit again :P
15. I spend more time on Gamespot then I do on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter combine with doughnuts :P
16: French Toast still sucks :lol: :P
Maybe there might be more facts chicos 8)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Star Count: Still a dusty 0 :P
Later chicos 8)