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Fun Facts with FullMetalWWant

Hello chicos, this is a random blog that I will detail about the few fun facts about me :D

1. Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64 is the only game that I ever beat in one sitting when I was younger. Means that aisde from eating and bathroom breaks, I sat down and stayed there until I beat Paper Mario

2. I've been a wrestling fan for almost 9 years, my favorite wrestler is the late great Eddie Guerrero

3. My first system that I owned was a Nintendo 64, my late bro's was a NES. Lucky for him :P

4. My favorite games? That's too many to list, a few would be Super Mario Galaxy, Paper mario, Rock Band 2 and others that I like.

5. I do eat fast food, regardless of what it does to me. I excerise anyways :P McD is my favorite then others.

6. I will be here at GS for three years this August :)

7. I've been Officer for a total of 7 times in my past three years, 5 in the NAS, twice during the WOTU.

8. I have many best friends here on GS that at least comment :P

9. Regardless of what others are doing, I will never leave GS because when I get bored, I go here :P

10. French toast sucks :P

11. I want Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Green Day Rock Band at the moment, they look cool 8)

12. I currently use a Wii and a 360, as my PS2 died on me recently and my 64 is collecting dust.

13. I'm running out of facts :P

14. I'm the rare breed of mexican, for I eat a lot and I'm really tall :P

That's all for now, also, I will post my SMG 2 star count even if I don't have it yet :P

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Star Count: 0

Later chicos 8)