What a way to have Aj Gaming Month with Fourth of July!!!! Aj would always make his special fried chicken for today and then spend mindless hours of video ganes. Speaking of which:
Three months after I was born in May of 1991, The SNES came out. During this time, Aj was working on trying to get it. I just never knew he wanted three of them. I was still a baby and Aj was showing signs of wanting it. So in July, he saved up enough to buy a SNES in August. What happened next......he lost the money. I was a bit of a trouble maker because even when I was young, I hid the money somehow. :lol:
Anyways, remember that I have Dr. Mario Online Rx. PM me your FC and I will give you mine.
The Bad Guy says keep it cool and happy 4th of July.:D8)