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How To Become Leader in 1372 Easy Steps

Hello chicos, Metal here like always and as you guessed, I bought (and finished) Chris Jericho's latest book, Undisputed (How to Become World Champion in 1372 Easy Steps). A very good read for fans of Jericho, wrestling or just to see what he's like. It also got me thinking about alot of stuff.

I started here on Gamespot as a no name, not knowing what might happen to me or if I will make any friends while I posted here. If it wasn't for a friend of mine giving me an Officer job here, I think I would just be making random blogs. Then, with luck turns out, wrestling got me a great job over at the WOTU thanks to killer (Twice I mind you) It gave me a chance to talk with other fans. The NAS came around and I juggled between the two till my bros death.

Since then, here we are talking about this right, just a month before we celebrate Aj Gaming Month. Since then, I'm Officer of a nearly dead union and a Leader of a semi active union. With WOTU have some great Officers, I have come to realize one thing:

My time here is coming to an end. Maybe it's time to take that much needed break. I am no longer needed as the younger people take command of unions. I can only post and move on I suppose. But without that sense of passion I felt when I first signed up on Gamespot, I lost that passion. Like my bro said before, "Passion can come and go." And mine is close to being gone.

And this is all for a book I bought and read today, very good book. Chris Jericho is one of my favorites and this book helped me think about a few things. My time is short here and that means I will indeed retire soon from all unions, no longer the 6 Time Officer of the NAS, the 2 Time Officer of the WOTU. THese two unions helped me be me and now, this dog is ready to return to the house for a much needed rest

It won't happen now, maybe not even tomorrow, but I will say when it's time for me to leave.