Hello chicos and chicas, Metal here and I think it's time. Everyone did it towards the end of last year and I was thinking for a long time but I decided to make a few blogs, each showing my favorite video games of all time, from 20 to 1. Let's get started shall we and take a trip with me down memory lane :D
Metal's Top Video Game
Number 20
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for the Nintendo 64
Ah yes, what better way to start off a list then with a game I would always rent when Major Video was around (look that one up when you have a chance to see some real old school rental places).
Trying to catch on the 3D gaming at the time, Mystical Ninja did great in Japan, not so much in America but when I first played it, I was hooked forever. And I'm proud to say that I beat it all those years ago. It was recently that I bought my copy at a local store in my town and beat it again, just because it was a great game to play :)
Number 19
The Left 4 Dead series
Now, I am proud to say that killing zombies was never fun before this game appeared. Heck, I got my friends into the series because I kept saying that it was the perfect way to spend the weekend. Here's hoping that the series will continue down the road. I mention the series as a whole because I had both games at a time, also owning a copy for my laptop. THis is the game that everyone has to at least play down the road.
Number 18
The Sly Collection for the Playstation 3
I will admit, this is the series I loved when I had the PS2. Heck, I still own all three games right now, sitting in my gaming collection. I knew that if there was any game I needed to get when I first got my PS3, it was the Sly Collection, having all three games for a good price. I was very happy that now I have the collection to play this all over again.
Number 17
The Kingdom Hearts Series
Yes, Kingdom Hearts, what a series. I bought the game. I owned my first PS2 game and that was Kingdom Hearts. And yes, this was the full price, 50 dollar game, not the greatest hits game. I beat the game without a memory card, learned my lesson on that one :P
The series continues to grow and I have a feeling that my PS3 will be hungry when Kingdom Hearts III is released in the future. The only thing I can say that it's a good RPG when your not playing anything else that is fun.
Number 16
Super Mario World
The very first Mario game I have ever played when I was younger. This was the game I loved when I was growing up and I beat it before, I just don't remember it that well :lol: Still, this was the game to play back in the day and now, I can look back along with my late brother and see the game that made me into a Mario fan.
And that's the end of Part 1 chicos 8)