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Metal's Top Video Games Part 2

Hello chicos and welcome back to another blog, showcasing my top games that I've played over the many years I've been a gamer. From old school to the brand new, here is part 2 of my list.

Number 15

Red Dead Redemption

I'm a bit of a GTA fan myself but this game takes the cake. The setting takes place in the Old West and John Marston is a man with little words to say other then going around and being him. This is just something. I fell in love with the game since it was first released and I can say that I'm a huge fan of it. I even got the Undead Nightmare DLC when it was released. This is the top game I always played and it's a game no one should miss out on.

Number 14

Goemon's Great Adventure for the Nintendo 64

The sequel to Mystical Ninja I mentioned in the first part of the blog, it's more of a 2D - 3D element of the game. If you seen the videos, it's very different from Mystical Ninja but I still love the game. I'm still looking for the game till this day and I won't stop until I find it and play it again.

Number 13

Final Fantasy VII

This is my first FF game I have ever played when I was younger and I loved it. No wonder why so many fans loved the game. I bought the game at a flea market for only 15 bucks but I have since lost the game from unknown reasons even I don't remember. Now, thanks to my new PS3, I was able to reclaim my old game and hope to finish what I started many years ago.

Number 12

The Call of Duty Series

I can't lie, I have a love/hate relationship with the series as a whole. Here's a fun fact, I prefer the CoD games over Halo anyday. I just don't see future type FPS as fun as real time stuff. The series as a whole is something and the online is more interesting then anything else. But with that, I have many friends bugging me to play with them online. It's a love hate thing people.

Number 11

The God of War Series

Man, getting a PS2 means you have the chance to see GoW in action. I played the first one and I never played the second one (yes, I know, that is sad in my standards). However, with the GoW Collection for the PS3, I was able to finally play the game and beat it as well. Very interesting game we got there man. Now I set my sights on beating GoW III and finally saying goodbye to the series I grew up a bit on.

And that ends part 2 for now chicos 8)