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Preorders and Wrestling and Things, Oh My

Hello chicos, how are you today? Things are finally starting to get cold around these parts and it's time to bust out the egg nog and holiday shopping for the good game. But first, college :lol:

Now then, I mentioned before that I Pre Ordered Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 because this is the one time I said, wow, this game looks great to play. After this, I always check to see whenever wrestling will ever hit my town.

December 3rd baby 8)

WWE Raw is heading for my area and I'm going to get the ticket next week. I said ticket because not many of my friends like it :P

In other news, I have decided to stop being so nice to cookies. THose guys had it coming to them :lol:

That's all for this blog chicos.

Stay warm this fall chicos 8)