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Road to InVasion


Arline: What are we going to do Metal?

Metal: What we do best: Take back the title and kick those guy's a**!!!

Tpk: But those guys are huge. We can't beat them.

Metal: Yes we can. I have a new friend.

Hm333: That's me. I can take on the Intercontinental Champion easy.

Metal: You do know that Brock Lensar has the belt, right?


Metal: Well, we do have arline going against Samoa Joe for the TNA World Title. We have a chance to mount a comeback!!!

Hm333: What about your match?

Metal: I pray for a miracle.

Behind a locker

Edge: I think I can change the match to our favor. Hell in the Cell. What do you think Master?

Master: That is a great idea. We are going to show them why we are the best.

InVasion: When Worlds Collide Card:

Mario vs. Homocide

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: John Morrison (C) & The Miz (C) vs. Shadow and Wforever

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Brock Lensar (c) vs. Hm333*

TNA World Championship: Arline vs. Samoa Joe (c)*

Ultimate X match for the X-Division Championship: P.W. vs. Tpk

Monsters Ball Match for a chance at the X-Division Championship: Aj $tyles vs. Neo

Ladder Match for the WWE European Championship: Soaring vs. Jeff

Main Event- Three on One Extreme Rules Hell in the Cell Match for the WWESSBWU Championship: Triple H (C), Edge, & The Undertaker vs. Metal