Well chicos, it's almost that time again where the biggest thing to happen since canned chips: E3
Like I did for the past years, I will once again update my comments on each showing at E3, as well as games I love and such and such.
For example, let's here some songs for Rock Band 3 :D I don't care, just as long as we get details on songs and stuff. I'm still getting the game no matter what but with rumor of a new insterment, things are going to get interesting. Let's also hope for exporting everything to the new game, I bet they are working on that :D
Yes, I really want Super Mario Galaxy 2 but right now, Green Day Rock Band is on top of my list just because I can put all those songs on Rock Band 2. Epic win in my taste 8)
Gotta go, I think I'm bleeding again :P
Next blog will be a rare rant from me :o
Later chicos and stay cool this summer 8)