I got tagged twice and since you guys already know me, I'm doing the ten things about........my bro, Aj
1. He loves fried chicken. End of story. Put a bucket of chicken in front of him, and it's gone in 10 minutes.:lol:
2. Favorite Fast Food Place is both McDonalds and KFC (What a surprise)
3. Until his passing, he still believed in Santa Claus.
4. Favorite wrestler is Razor Ramon but decided on Stone Cold Steve Austin instead.
5. Thinks that WCW was cool until WWE kicked their butts.
6. He once kicked the TV because it froze on him when he almost beat OoT (I beat it five times, he beat it once).
7. Thinks Mario is one of the best dudes around.......I then found out it was the pizza guy down the street named Mario. :lol:
8. He can play video games and eat at the same time. I think he ate a controller button once.
9. He threw my PS3 out the window because he says it sucks. I never found my PS3 because I got another one.
10. He worked at Best Buy. End of story.
I'm bored, I Tag everyone again.