Filled with anticipation I tried to sleep the night before. I wanted to but I just couldn't. My mind was wide awake while I lay tired. 8:30am I finally rose from my sheets. Into the light, I stared. Before me the Christmas tree stood. Underneath it shrouded the various gifts I was about to unveil. Hoping and waiting since it's launch that the Nintendo Wii would be revealed from within one of the boxes covered by the shiny wrapping.
I noticed there were a couple of larger sized gifts under the tree so I saved them for last. I started small and worked my to the larger gifts. Among one of the first gifts I opened. I was pleased to find Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) Vol. 5 & 6. I was quite happy since I was planning to buy them in the near future. Along with Vol. 2 & 4. However I am missing Vol. 1 & 3. I haven't begun reading because of this.
As I moved on I came across some rather nice and seemingly expensive clothes. Some of them I recognized and knew they were costly but some of the others I just really liked. By this point I did actually open a couple of the larger gifts. I opened the rest finding Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker first then Twilight Princess (Wii). As you would expect I was incredibly excited at that point where only one gift left, a large one and that I had two games that I could only play on the Wii. Also with no current consoles I really was pleased to have both games to play.
Before selling my GameCube a couple years back, which lately realizing it did have a minor issue. I was happy to finally get Wind Waker since I was planning ot pre-order it at it's release. And then when I saw the next gift after was Twilight Princess. I took on an almost Alex Louis Armstrong like look. :lol:
Note the sparkling. :P
One gift remained. Full of cereal but starving for something to play for the following two weeks off school. I began to open the gift. o my disappointment it wasn't the Nintendo Wii box. Instead it was more clothes. Rather nice as well but it left me confused as my parents knew that I had asked for one since before the launch. Though I was aware of the fact it could be sold out. I remained optimistic. Thinking perhaps a surprise might occur. Overall I wasn't that sad. I looked under the tree once more.
A small little gift bag stood behind the tree. I grabbed it and instantly thought it was a voucher or gift card. I took out the gift card inside. I opened it up and read a nice message from my uncle and family in Trinidad. Who seemed to have given a hell of a lot of money to my parents to make this year extra special. I found $500 inside the card. Twilight Princess was also bought with some of the money. So as it is now. I am incredibly happy and even though I don't have a Nintendo Wii yet. With more than enough to buy the Wii I can't complain one bit. Along with some more money I received early for my B-Day present. I have $560 and my dad owes me $160. $720, it's the most amount of money I will ever hold in my hands. So here's a Merry Christmas feat: Legend of Zelda & Fullmetal Alchemist Only. Can't go wrong with that. My favourite game series and anime/manga series. :D
It's a bit funny the last time I got a Legend of Zelda game, which was A Link to the Past for the GBA. I also got Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie: Conqueror of Shamblla! Maybe everyimte I buy an LoZ game I should buy something Fullmetal Alchemist based on the same day from now on. :lol:
I can honestly say this is one of my best Christmas's in a LONG time and I hope you guys also have an equally puzzling but overall amazing Christmas holiday!
Merry Chirstmas Everyone! :)