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No More Heroes = 9.0 !!!

Logged on to GS this morning to discover No More Heroes getting an awesome score of 9.0! I did not see that coming. I was predicting an 8.4 but a 9.0 is an awesome effort for a third party title. I was a little bit sceptical that the controls would not be up to scratch and perhaps unresponsive but it appears SUDA-51 has got it spot on!

Although it is obviously a more mature title I don't believe it will draw new people to the Wii due to it's unique look and the fact that it is not a sequel to a big name franchise. Due to this I think it will unfortunately be another quality title, such as Okami, that will not sell all that well. All I can be sure of though is that I'll definitely be collecting a copy and am really looking forward to slashing my way across my living room.

Now I just have to wait until it's released in Australia on the 28th of Feb...