Lookin at new GPU's had this one for a while now. The 1200 is big enough for all my drives , tons of LED's , Tons of fans and filter screens for the front fans. It worked for me I needed the room for a full tower , its heavier than mutha though. Its not the best looking case out there but it had the best functional ability for me.
FullyQuipt's forum posts
Heres some Pics .. Yeah I was suprised byt the 8800 too but it did. I couldnt do it before but before I was running a Pentium 4 3.6 Ghz. Oh yeah I didnt pay that much for the CPU it was $279.99 @ Microcenter. Thanks for the reply I noticed without AA on it played much smoother. I only play Gears of War , World in Conflict and Vegas 2 on PC as of now. I just used the Crysis Demo for testing so it can pee on my system.
Tested Cpu and Gpu at 1280 x 1024 4 times.
1. Very High Settings on everything AA X 4: CPU averaged 24.6 FPS / GPU averaged 26.6 FPS
2. High Settings on everything AA x 4 : CPU averaged 36.9 FPS / GPR averaged 41.1 FPS
3. Very High Settings on everything AA off CPU averaged 35.4 FPS / GPU averaged 36.4 FPS
4. High Settings on everything AA off CPU averaged 45 FPS / GPU averaged 47.2 FPS
It hit as high as 65 FPS and stayed at 58 FPS for a while but I only posted the averages. Is this good ? I only overclocked my GPU ( PNY 8800GT - core bus 650 Mhz and Memory Bus 998 Mhz) Stock was 600 and 900.
Heres my specs.
Q9450 Stock 2.6ghz , evga 780i MOBO, Pny 8800GT, DDR2 4GB 800mhz, Antec 1200 Case.
Is this a good run or should I try to OC the CPU . In Ntune the CPU reads 32 degrees Celsius.
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