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Furious_Bonghit Blog

Final Fantasy 13

From what i've seen so far i can't see the personality in it that made a good final fantasy game. I can't fault it's looks but aesthetic isnt everything, and although everything ive read hasnt had much to say against it, i cant help feeling that FF will never be what it was. It feels like enix have killed my best friend. Square was one of the best video game companys to ever grace the planet and since enix came along they've done nothing but churn out one disappointment after another. Square-enix are trying far too hard to please everybody at the cost of all the charm that made FF such a genius series. I do still plan on getting XIII purely out of curiosity and to appease the nagging fanboy in me that im really surprised hasn't cast Meteor on himself yet after seeing some of the most disappointing trash ever released under his beloved title. Like X-2 What the F*** was that sh**. Sorry, i know nobody cares anymore, but they might aswell have kicked me square between the nuts and charged me for it.