After hours and hours of fiddling. My website is almost fully done!
-cLiCk hErE!- to see my current progress!
After hours and hours of fiddling. My website is almost fully done!
-cLiCk hErE!- to see my current progress!
Well, after alot of work and finally some more time able to spend, I've got my website up and running with my own ".com" domain.
I know that there is LOTS to add and configure and yadda yadda yadda. But it's a start!
Feel free to visit it and maybe give me some feedback on what I can do!
And now all of a sudden they tell me that the issue is handled by a third-party provider. And gave me another link......
Couldn't they just have told me from the beginning?... Wonder how this will turn out.....
Okay, so I contacted Valve about the "Error Reading File" issue with "Plants Vs Zombies"
Here's their solution to the problem:
Please exit Steam and go to the folder called C: Program FilesSteam (this is the default location for a Steam installation - if you set a different installation directory, you will need to browse to it). Delete all of the files in this folder except: The Steamapps folder and Steam.exe (this file is listed as an application and features the black and white Steam logo) Restart your computer. Then, launch Steam.exe from within the Steam installation folder, and not from a pre-existing shortcut. With Steam running, re-test the original issue. Note: This process will not affect your currently installed games. Additionally, please complete this process for your installed game(s): Title: Verifying Game Cache Files (GCF) Link: Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.
So, did it work? Absolutely...NOT!.
So I guess another ticket to them is needed. If anyone has a solution theirselves to this problem if you have had the same issue. Please let me know. This is driving me mad!
So, I've had Plants Vs Zombies for a long time now, but there's one thing that bothers me.
When I first started playing it, was on my iMac. I got well over 50 hours on it, and I sitll feel like playing it occasionally, But there's a small problem. I can't. Because the save files are for the Mac in the Steam Cloud, hence it can't be read on a PC.
Will Valve ever fix this problem?
I sure hope so!
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