So price points have been flooding out of the Nintendo camp. Everything is looking good until we get to the Wii controller. 60 bucks for a controller?! Sure it's the new hot thing and it's only 10 bucks more then the wireless 360 controler but man it just seems expensive. It's time to take it old skool and make friends bring their own damn controllers when they come over my house. Other then the whole controller thing i'm pretty happy about the release details involved. Except.....the push back of Zelda for the GC, go massage your collective colons with a brillo pad 'tendo because that wasn't cool at all. nice way to kill off your current dying system.
Fusekazuki Blog
Gimme Some Mo'
by Fusekazuki on Comments
Hey it's that time again for a video-game thought! Todays topic is how game publishing companies are pushing mediocre "Limited Editions" onto the gaming masses. Here is an excerpt from my post about Gears of War.
Companies really need to make Limited Editions much more attractive to the consumer market. If your gonna entice me to spend more money at least give me something substantial. The art book should a decent size with two page spreads or even a tri-fold here and there. Am I the only one that remembers when companies put forth effort. Take Starsiege and Tribes for example. They both came with extra books just on the lore and history, so when you were not playing the game you were still spending hours reading about the back story."
Why is it that companies like Working Designs that gave the consumer a crap load of tchotchke go under while other companies that give you a sticker are allowed to go unchecked when they call it a special edition. We all know this stuff is made for pennies in some factory in china. Is it too much to ask for to get something good for my extra 10-20 dollars. A "Behind the scenes" DVD isn't worth an extra 5 dollars let alone 10-20. How boring is it to watch Cliffy B. Talk about how the rendered the game? I'd liken those DVD's to porn, it's good for about 10 minutes and then it's pretty much boring. Give me Sequential numbered cases, art books of some girth, mini action figures, something good Jesus please. Back to Working Designs for a brief minute. Remember when you reserved Lunar for the PS1? What did you get? A freakin punch doll that looked like Ghaleon or Alex.
It's stuff like this that makes you remembered in the gamer community. Not an extra DVD or a sticker sheet.
Companies really need to make Limited Editions much more attractive to the consumer market. If your gonna entice me to spend more money at least give me something substantial. The art book should a decent size with two page spreads or even a tri-fold here and there. Am I the only one that remembers when companies put forth effort. Take Starsiege and Tribes for example. They both came with extra books just on the lore and history, so when you were not playing the game you were still spending hours reading about the back story."
Why is it that companies like Working Designs that gave the consumer a crap load of tchotchke go under while other companies that give you a sticker are allowed to go unchecked when they call it a special edition. We all know this stuff is made for pennies in some factory in china. Is it too much to ask for to get something good for my extra 10-20 dollars. A "Behind the scenes" DVD isn't worth an extra 5 dollars let alone 10-20. How boring is it to watch Cliffy B. Talk about how the rendered the game? I'd liken those DVD's to porn, it's good for about 10 minutes and then it's pretty much boring. Give me Sequential numbered cases, art books of some girth, mini action figures, something good Jesus please. Back to Working Designs for a brief minute. Remember when you reserved Lunar for the PS1? What did you get? A freakin punch doll that looked like Ghaleon or Alex.
It's stuff like this that makes you remembered in the gamer community. Not an extra DVD or a sticker sheet.
PlayMasion 3
by Fusekazuki on Comments
Anyone else notice that the font they used for the PS3 is the same sony has been using for Spiderman movies? Every time I look at spiderman I think of PS3 and vice versa when I look at a PS3
Memorial Day Sales
by Fusekazuki on Comments
Don't know if anyone checks out the circut city and best buy Ad's but CC had some good deals going on. They had a few games for 9.99 so i decided to stop by and pick up Metroid Prime: Echos. As much as I love Metroid I can't find myself paying 39.99+ for Gamecube games just due to the fact that I don't play my GC that often. I still need to get Resident Evil 4 but I'm almost considering to hold out for the PC version. Typically I cringe at console to PC ports but I picked up onimusha 3 and it looks and plays damn good on my PC with an Xbox360 controller. Tempted that I am to give RE4 and DMC3 a shot on the PC as well. DMC3 more then RE4 since my PS2 is broken (thanks a lot Sony this is my 2nd one thats had a DRE problem). Well I hope everyone's weekend was fun and semi-safe.
Abstract Thoughts
by Fusekazuki on Comments
As I start this blog I have no idea what to call the topic. Honestly I don't have a clear train of thought at the moment for this post.
I guess the biggest thing thats happened to us as a gaming community is the passing of E3. Boy what a passing it was, E3 is always the time of when my heart swells with joy and my wallet cries in agony. As I sit back and read the posts of countless fan-boys and their systems I chuckle, I rant, I compromise. The typical "my company is better then your company battle" rages on ever-still. Then I tend to think, Jesus these guys got it good they only play one system and thats it. Me on the other hand plays everything under the sun. So while my Xbox 360 hums along on the shelf I have to make room for a PS3 and a Wii. Long Ago I worked for Game stop (kind of a crappy company imo) and the two most frequent questions were; "Have you played the new Madden? or What system do you think is better?" The first quest I answered with "I don't play sports games" which was a complete lie, I do play sports games but mostly racing. As for the system question the best answer was always " I own em all so I don't think I can answer that question." Every time Sony has released a system I tell myself that i'm gonna wait it out a few months for all the hardware bugs to be worked out. But there i am on release day in line with wallet open only hours from gaming nirvana. But like all drugs your looking for that high that you got the first time you touched a video game. It's seldom repeated but you'll try everything you can to see if does the trick.
I have a few standards before I buy a system. For Nintendo based systems they must have a Metroid release before I consider buying. For Sony there must be a MGS game or Resident Evil game before I buy it. Microsoft is an odd bird to me. I bought the first one for Halo (like 90% of the other consumers) and the 360 I bought for Oblivion, FFXI (even though I own the PS2 and PC versions), DOA4 and whenever it comes out Ninety Nine Nights.
My parting words for this blog is really to stop fighting with other fanboys about what system is more powerful and start fighting about why do some developers put out pure trash and call it gaming and charge 49.99 for it. Demand better quality of your games, they owe that to you! Be open to new ideas from start up developers. Some of those odd games you see on shelves are actually hidden gems made on a very low budget. Never let big business think they know what gamers want better then actual gamers.
I guess the biggest thing thats happened to us as a gaming community is the passing of E3. Boy what a passing it was, E3 is always the time of when my heart swells with joy and my wallet cries in agony. As I sit back and read the posts of countless fan-boys and their systems I chuckle, I rant, I compromise. The typical "my company is better then your company battle" rages on ever-still. Then I tend to think, Jesus these guys got it good they only play one system and thats it. Me on the other hand plays everything under the sun. So while my Xbox 360 hums along on the shelf I have to make room for a PS3 and a Wii. Long Ago I worked for Game stop (kind of a crappy company imo) and the two most frequent questions were; "Have you played the new Madden? or What system do you think is better?" The first quest I answered with "I don't play sports games" which was a complete lie, I do play sports games but mostly racing. As for the system question the best answer was always " I own em all so I don't think I can answer that question." Every time Sony has released a system I tell myself that i'm gonna wait it out a few months for all the hardware bugs to be worked out. But there i am on release day in line with wallet open only hours from gaming nirvana. But like all drugs your looking for that high that you got the first time you touched a video game. It's seldom repeated but you'll try everything you can to see if does the trick.
I have a few standards before I buy a system. For Nintendo based systems they must have a Metroid release before I consider buying. For Sony there must be a MGS game or Resident Evil game before I buy it. Microsoft is an odd bird to me. I bought the first one for Halo (like 90% of the other consumers) and the 360 I bought for Oblivion, FFXI (even though I own the PS2 and PC versions), DOA4 and whenever it comes out Ninety Nine Nights.
My parting words for this blog is really to stop fighting with other fanboys about what system is more powerful and start fighting about why do some developers put out pure trash and call it gaming and charge 49.99 for it. Demand better quality of your games, they owe that to you! Be open to new ideas from start up developers. Some of those odd games you see on shelves are actually hidden gems made on a very low budget. Never let big business think they know what gamers want better then actual gamers.
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