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Random stuff

Okay so guess what I got Max Payne 2 and guess ******* what. I beat it in ******* 2 days. I mean for ten dollers I guess it is a good deal but come on most of the mods look half ***** and ****. I mean you beat the game and your given 2 extra modes one of which is a higher difficulty setting. **** Remedy, give us a longer game .

My bro wants a PS3 (He's getting the 600$ one) and well he's doing pretty much colleting cans. My family goes through like 6 twelve packs in a week which considering is alot, so he picks up a can crushes it and throws it in a seperate trash can. He says he feels kinda cheap doing it too. Jeez he makes 3 times as much as I do and he can't afford a PS3 by just cutting back on some stuff. I make 40$ a week and I bought a freggin premium 360 at wal-mart for over 600$, what the **** does he do with his money.

Thats all I got.

PS3 price

I was watching the uhh Sony conference and when they were showing GT HD,  I thought it looked really good they had almost pulled me in untill they dropped the price bomb
no way in hell am i paying 500-600$. I'd rather invest in stock then that. hell fu(dump) no. Got a 360( and am enjoying it) and that drained me over 600$ and I still need to work to fill that hole. Damnit Sony. Also this one has only had one dump oh sh(dump).

FF7 Advent Chidren

Got it yesterday and will admit I nearly s(dump) my self at the sight of  the graphics. Really on HD sometimes they convince you that it is real. All the deleted scenes rock but they are either re-shoots or same scenes with different lines. Example
Cloud: I pity you. You just don't get it.
(will not say who): hm
Deleted scene version
Cloud: You used to be (spoiler)
(will not say who): what an honor
some are actually deleted but most are re-shoots essentially
The music is reeeeally good.
Okay I will admit it

I am a FF7 fanboy.
If you like action movies check it out
If you like Final Fantasy buy it
If you like Sci-Fi rent it
If you are Jack Thompson Fu(dump) off
If you like FF7...NEED I SAY MORE.

(insert title here)


Freggin kingdom hearts 2. Thats all my bros been playing and the gummi ship sounds are drivin me fu( dump  )zy.

......................thats all I got. Fu(dump)

Mcdonalds and why it **** ****

Mcdonalds the number "1" chain fast food restruant in The United States Of America, but is it? No. Why? Cause they serve horse ******* ****. I have had **** that taste better then this ****. When I go there the ******* clerks are ******* fat *****. The food is ******* stuff you put in a microwave. THEY DON'T EVEN ******* COOK THE AWFUL ****. All they do is this, grab it, microwave it, serve it, AND PEOPLE STILL EAT THE ******* ****. I mean you think people would stop going there after the documentary "Super Size Me" but no they still goto that ******* place. Look I like fast food and all but I like to wait about 5-10 minutes before I eat, not 30-50 seconds,jeez.

My Opinion on Howard Stern and why he **** horse ****

Howard stern is the biggest *** hole the world has ever seen. He's a **** to the nth degree. Now I have listened to him once (on sirius which by the way sucks compared to XM) and he is really lame and boring. He acts like he is still hip but is a hipocritacal *** hole. It is okay for him to abuse woman but when his daughter decides to go topless during a play oh that just going to far for him. He is also a cry baby who can't take any ******* critism what so ever. Example back when he was on regular radio there was another show called the Opie and Anthony show (well thats what it is called on Xm which rocks and O&A are funny as hell) that had critisized him (dunno the exact details though) and Howard Stern being the **** head that he is complained to his boss (O&A and Stern where on the same station I think, correct me if I am wrong)and his boss told O&A that they can not mension any other show owned by Infinity broad casting (I think, as I said I don't know the exact details) or in other words got a Howard got a gag order on them, their boss got a dump button that would dump out any thing that even hinted Howard Stern, which led to one of them losing it and shouting Howard Stern repeatedly and the dump button couldn't keep up. Now Howard Stern acts like that never ******* happened and. He also claims that he could of kept O&a off the air with a flick of the wrist claiming XM asked if they could put them on air (I don't know if thats true but it probably isn't). He also said he got offers from both Xm and Sirius (that is possible though but XM probably relised having tention between 2 on Xm cause O&A have messed up some other shows that have ****** with them) but chose Sirius cause they had "Better" technolegy. You know Sirius is paying Stern half a billion to do radio and ya know they better do something quick cause they ain't gettin there moneys worth. HOWARD STERN SUCKS HORSE ****

edit: O&A had the same BOSS as Stern.

My opinion on Wal marts music and censorship in wal mart

hello people I absolutly hate. You may know me as a Jack *** so far but you will call me a **** ****** after a while. Why am I bluring out the cuss words cause evreyone acts like ******* four year olds and won't grow up. Just like ******* Wal-mart. Try and buy a rap cd from them and all the best songs are so ****** up and raped it sucks. One of these days I'm gonna make a petition, send it to Wal-mart to uncensor the cd's. **** thats why the put the parental advirory stickers on them. ******* Parents want evreything censored for their ******* kids and then when people who pay this money to here the uncesored **** they here this BS of a album and feel ripped off cause some **** complained that they bought a CD from them and it was filled with ******* cuss words. You know what, Wal-mart is a buncha ******* ******** and mother ******* **** *******. WAL-MART HERE IS MY SALUTE TO YOU OOOO OOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOO OOOO OOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo oOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oOOO oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO