Mcdonalds and why it **** ****
by Fuuuuureakkkk on Comments
Mcdonalds the number "1" chain fast food restruant in The United States Of America, but is it? No. Why? Cause they serve horse ******* ****. I have had **** that taste better then this ****. When I go there the ******* clerks are ******* fat *****. The food is ******* stuff you put in a microwave. THEY DON'T EVEN ******* COOK THE AWFUL ****. All they do is this, grab it, microwave it, serve it, AND PEOPLE STILL EAT THE ******* ****. I mean you think people would stop going there after the documentary "Super Size Me" but no they still goto that ******* place. Look I like fast food and all but I like to wait about 5-10 minutes before I eat, not 30-50 seconds,jeez.