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My Opinion on Howard Stern and why he **** horse ****

Howard stern is the biggest *** hole the world has ever seen. He's a **** to the nth degree. Now I have listened to him once (on sirius which by the way sucks compared to XM) and he is really lame and boring. He acts like he is still hip but is a hipocritacal *** hole. It is okay for him to abuse woman but when his daughter decides to go topless during a play oh that just going to far for him. He is also a cry baby who can't take any ******* critism what so ever. Example back when he was on regular radio there was another show called the Opie and Anthony show (well thats what it is called on Xm which rocks and O&A are funny as hell) that had critisized him (dunno the exact details though) and Howard Stern being the **** head that he is complained to his boss (O&A and Stern where on the same station I think, correct me if I am wrong)and his boss told O&A that they can not mension any other show owned by Infinity broad casting (I think, as I said I don't know the exact details) or in other words got a Howard got a gag order on them, their boss got a dump button that would dump out any thing that even hinted Howard Stern, which led to one of them losing it and shouting Howard Stern repeatedly and the dump button couldn't keep up. Now Howard Stern acts like that never ******* happened and. He also claims that he could of kept O&a off the air with a flick of the wrist claiming XM asked if they could put them on air (I don't know if thats true but it probably isn't). He also said he got offers from both Xm and Sirius (that is possible though but XM probably relised having tention between 2 on Xm cause O&A have messed up some other shows that have ****** with them) but chose Sirius cause they had "Better" technolegy. You know Sirius is paying Stern half a billion to do radio and ya know they better do something quick cause they ain't gettin there moneys worth. HOWARD STERN SUCKS HORSE ****

edit: O&A had the same BOSS as Stern.