Alright, I'm sick of you stupid fanboys justifing the PS3 sales or even the system itself due to being "a Blu-Ray player". The PlayStation 3 is a game console first, multimedia player second. If you look at 2008's lineup, then you understand that. Of course 2007 was going to be a bad year for Sony. Every console has a bad first year. Sony cleaned it up. They have great games coming this year and you fanboys need to accept that. The PS1 was a CD player. The PS2 was a DVD player and now the PS3 is a Blu-Ray player. People getting a little jelous that the PlayStation brand is a very affordable machine with many capabilities. I love the Blu-Ray drive on my PS3. I love the movies, and the fact that I don't have to worry about space issues that devs might have or install issues since there has only been barely any games that use this feature. I use my PS3 as a game console first though. It has a Blu-Ray drive, so what. Are we going to hate people who like putting in new capabilities in their machines now?Albanian_Killa
Not the way Sony is potraying it to be. There are more bluray commercials than gaming for the PS3. Upcoming DVR for the PS3. If anything, PS3 is multimedia first.
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