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Zug Zug!

Well I finally found a place to live, and although it's a lot bigger and a lot more rent than I was looking for it has everything that I need. Most importantly though it has internet! Just in time for the H2 map pack too. I haven't spent much time with the newest maps though. None of my friends have been on at the same time as me. I've been meaning to check out the GS Halo nights but I haven't found time due to my other newset obsession. That's right I finally bit the bullet and got World of Warcraft. I hesitated getting this one because I was worried about getting too much into it. Well it turns out those worries were 100% justified. I'm probably averaging about 5 or 6 hours a night right now. The game itself is great. This is my first MMORPG so I'm sure some of my impressions are simply from the initial exposure to the genre. I'm a little disappointed with the graphics. The scope of the game more than makes up for it though. I'm surprised at how demanding the game is in terms of system resources. I was running it on a 2ghz iMac G5 with 128 megs of video and 512 megs of memory and it was just barely chugging along. I bought another 512 stick and it's running pretty smooth now, but I still can't turn the graphics settings up too high. My biggest complaint with the game really isn't the games fault at all. I don't really know anyone playing so it's weird trying to form parties for quests. I've been meaning to check and see if there are any Gamespot guilds, but frankly I haven't been able to pull myself away from the game long enough to check it out. I've been meaning to write this entry for a good week now. I went and saw War of the Worlds with my brother last weekend and it is probably one of the best movies I have seen in at least a couple of years. Spielberg does an amazing job on every level with the story. The ending is a little weak, but that couldn't be helped if they were going to stay true to the source material. You really have to go see this movie. Lastly, if you haven't seen Google Earth by now you have to check it out. Visually, this is the most impressive use of the Internet I have ever seen. The coverage is still a little spotty in some areas, but one can only imagine where this kind of technology will be in a few years and what kinds of applications will be available for it.