Fuzzyk18's forum posts
gaa thank god there are some other people who were having problems. ive finally beatin it on the king difficulty on all the ways. heres how i did it.
first you need to be the aztecs cause they can heal after a battle if their in their own territory. go ahead and send your men out right off the bat to find barbarian villages and the little good villages that give you stuff, also look for the wonder type things seven cities of gold, confusicuis school etc. once you get three warriors form them into an army when you get a chance and keep them in your base. DONT change from science to gold even if your doing the economic victory. itll only hurt you more than help. once you reach 100 gold get your settlers and set up another village. dont change from science until you have three villages even then only change one. you should be able to go through the game with minimal problems just remember that even if all the nations go to war with you, yuo can still win. oh and the best attack statagy ive found is to have three bombers, one artillery, one tank, and one moderrn infantry, all armies. if you have that you can sweep through and take out every one, oh and add two fighter wings if the enemy has planes. oh spy are really helpful if you doing cultural cause you can load up a bunch on a ship with say a tank army, go to an enemy city and steal the great people from them. well hope this helps. have any question you can hit me up on xbox live, user name is FuzzyK256.
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