Firstly, I absolutely loved ME3. I think it holds up to the prestigious series name very well. Having said that, I'm inclined to agree with the author of this article. BioWare's magnificent story telling seemed to get its hands tied up at times by what appear to be blatant grabs for money. I hope and pray that BioWare had no part in making that decision. They have always been one of the few developers with what I would call "integrity," but some of their latest titles have been marred by corporate stoogery.
@filmboy85 I couldn't agree with you more. The lack of local mp in current gen games puzzles me. It seems that devs don't care much for local mp anymore, but for me at least, good local mp can make a bad game worth the money. My friends and I still play old games like battlefront 2, champions: return to arms, brute force, etc because newer games don't have the 4-player local co-op. The games may not be as good but it's the social, teambuilding experience that makes it so enjoyable and timeless. When I really think about it, I realize that most of my gaming experiences fade away after a few hours/days. It's those experiences with my buddies at 5 in the morning that I keep. Online multiplayer is great and all, but it's only one step above playing with a soulless computer. Local multiplayer is such a staple of gaming, and it has been utterly neglected in the current generation. I realize after typing this that some of you may be thinking that I should get a Wii because it has so many local 4-player games. Well I have a Wii, and my friends and I would rather play on the Xbox or PS2 thanks. That may possibly be because we aren't 5, and I mean that in the best way possible. I respect what the Wii is doing to widen the casual gamer market, but I personally am thankful that there are alternatives to playing it.
@booty56 Yes, they do care more about money than the consumer. The beauty of capitalism is that caring about the money means they have to care for the consumer because guess who they make their money from. The fact that so many games are garbage is ultimately the consumers fault because it means we've been supporting said garbage. If producers didn't turn of profit off of garbage games then they wouldn't be making them. It is the part of the consumer to make informed purchases of quality games, and if some producers can't make quality games then they go out of business of get bought out by someone else. The great circle of business life.
It's almost funny how I probably could have told you which of these comments was associated with which company without knowing who actually said it. I think Mr. Spencer hit the nail on the head here as far as what is wrong with the industry, and I think that's mostly a matter of money. Developing games (especially cutting-edge ones) is costly and it's also likely to blowup in your face. Devs and producers want to see a return on their investments, and that often means milking the same old franchises. Quite frankly, they aren't likely to try something radically new if they can still make money off of old ideas. We need to be supporting interesting, new IPs as consumers. We can't decide what gets made, but we can decide what is successful. Oh and way to go Dunaway, that was a great response in which you said little to nothing.
In terms of pure processing power (GPU and CPU) the 360 and the PS3 are almost identical in terms of hertz. In reality, whether or not some people will want to admit it, it's a matter of personal preference. I can see why someone would like a PS3, but personally I'll take the 360 over the PS3 any day.
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