Ok I will admit I probably would do the same thing given the time period between the death of the children and the shooting of the driver. It was probably just moments after their death when he went for the gun. (Shortly after the accident, Barajas told relatives that he could not recall anything beyond rushing to the aid of his sons. "It was worse than any movie scene because it was real," Barajas' brother, Gabriel, said. "The next thing my brother remembered was waking up in a hospital naked" after his clothing, drenched in his sons' blood, had been removed.) Being a father myself I know the grief would be immeasurable and I would not be thinking clearly at all at that moment. I would have just reacted. My children killed right in front of me and you would expect me to be in my right mind and thinking clearly? Not possible for any parent that loves their children! And yes I did say killed, I do not consider it an accident at all, The man got drunk and decided to drive, being intoxicated is not an excuse for a very poor decision I consider it to be murder just as if he had the gun instead of the father! Alcohol and a bad decision to drive in this case is a weapon as well as the vehicle that slammed into them! I personally do not drink and am usually the dd but I have a lot of friends that do drink and if they do not have a dd they stay at home or where ever they are at the time. They do not get behind the wheel! A lot of people may blame the alcohol but consider that any thing may be used to excess, sweets, food, pain meds, aspirin,tanning, texting & even vitamins in excess can be bad for you. The person has a choice to be in control or keep control. This could have definitely been prevented! As for the father again I truly believe that in the face of seeing his sons die just moments b4 that he was out of his mind with grief and his reactions were automatic and driven by that grief. There is no way to rationalize it except for that grief. Would any parent do any different considering the time frame of just seeing their child die and getting the gun?
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