Dear Kallie Plagge, I wonder how the reactions would've been if you were male?
But seriously, you dont deserve this negative feedback. I am very happy that you had the guts to go forward with this review, because it shows the dire state of the website's audience and the gaming public in general. To hate you because you give your detailed opinion of a video game is something i would never be in favour of. Even considering the usual hate towards SJWs and whatnot, framing you under such labels and undermining the insights you gave based on your personal views is a very unfair outcome when considering you are actually just doing your job.
I will be receiving backlash for this post. W/e. Haters gonna hate, always.
Well, i never understood the hype about this game. Not saying GS is right, but for a page that was flooded with all the hype about this game, it sure speaks volumes.
Honestly, i never saw anything super special about this game, but that’s just taste. I really hoped it would do better because of course i want to play great games in the end, no matter the absurdity of their hype. So in the end i guess the game is good, but not as revolutionary or special as many thought, that’s obviously according to GS.
We have to face it, the level of hype this game got was a tiny bit unhealthy for the industry and speaks a lot about how we as an audience can be pulled towards the whirlpool of trends without actually weighing in on the logic of things.
@lurker_: just clarifying and responding to your question. You literally asked ''Do we know how tall Snake was?'' and the answer is very well known.
This comment you've made now is something else and you could have said that in your first post because you might have a point there. Just saying. No disrespect intended at all.
Besides, any gamer who plays MGS can clearly tell that Snake is a tall character. If people dislike this actor because of that, it's just their opinion, let them be. However, they are not wrong either, they just have their point, like you have yours.
G-Corleone's comments