I literally kept looking for the exosuit picture for a couple of seconds because i ignored the image thinking it was an ad for the Power Rangers movie.
My god, SE, you guys are through. FFXV, worst numbered FF. Sorry, my opinion.
No dissin'
EDIT: im also high, maybe that had something to do with it, but still..
@spartanx169x: i see your point. Maybe you're right, but i just dont see the acting here. Reynolds is wearing a mask most times or excessive makeup. He also is only sarcastic. Only sarcastic. He never embodies true emotions because he's a full time smartass, no dissin, because it was funny.
My point being that there's no Oscar for Best Character, in this case it's just for the Actor.
V had an amazing performance in V for Vendetta, but the realities of the role clearly left him out of the competition :)
Respectfully, i desagree. I love Jake. So im not trying to be a hater. Deadpool is just too sarcastic and superficial, breaking the fourth wall obesively and lacking any seriousness, let alone, he wears a mask.
Im not hating. Deadpool is funny. But an Oscar? I jusy respectfully disagree
Deadpool? An Oscar? Jeez, talk about a society that gives medals for mere participation, no wonder.
Dont get me wrong, it's a funny movie, but stop the bs and face the facts: it aint Oscar material, heck, im surprised it received Golden Globe nominations. Just cuz the mainstream likes something doesnt mean it's artistically elevated.
G-Corleone's comments