@ThatPjYouKnow21: Not true. GDDR5 and DDR3 are not identical. There's a huge difference there. People tend to minimise it just because of the numeric factors (8GB), still it doesn't matter if they have the same amount of memory if one is ancient and the other is up to date.
Amazing how people would prefer the second trilogy vs the original one, but to each their own. Even if by pure science and critics' analysis the original one could be seen as the best, its all a matter of personal taste. I mean, my god, we live in a world were kids compare Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran with Michael Jackson and Eric Clapton, do we need more proof that everything is a matter of perspective and as such perspective should just be respected even when its hurtful because thats LIFE?
@Mackey18: i agree. Matter of personal taste...however the discussion of The Hobbit vs TLOTR with youngsters has never ever happened to me. U have a awoken a new fear in my life.
@greaseman1985 you may be right. Only thing Id like to point out is that both games' graphics suck too much. Fifa is also horrid. I just can't believe they earn so much money from a game and not even care to implement some serious serious graphics. Would be extremely cool if they invested on that: Fifa with Uncharted graphics, Im SOOO IN!!
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