@lilnazar the games are set in 2 different universes, how the hell can you compare them ? gta isn't sandbox, it's (somewhat) free roam game. somewhat because open world implies no briers, and from what i recall all gta had briers until you completed certain missions. the only sandbox games are RPG's since they allow you to solve a puzzle in different methods. GTA, RDR, LA Noir style games only send you from point A to B, mission completed. you have no real control over how the plot plays out(and no, 1-2 ocasions where you can let a guy live is not considered a plot altering decision). plus you are supporting a company that took a dump on the community that made them what they are. if it wasn't for the PC modding community gta would be just another 7/8 game on the shelf. they are about as dead inside as EA.
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