BORDERLANDS 2!!!! I prefer if they had borderlands 2 beacause i cant exactly download the DLCs cause they take forever (800mg 1gig 1.6gig) and now they are putting teasers in the orginal game (lvl 54 weapons that cant be used) is really dog. Dog being just plane mean and cruel for no reason eg someone dumping there girlfriend on there birthday and calling them ugly which ive seen happen (the evil dog). It wasnt me by the way.
Are these DLCs (Secret Army, Zombie Island and Mad Moxxis) worth getting because i like the game and i have the money but the teasers they put into the game like the lvl 54 weapons (Which i cant use unless i have the Secret Army DLC) are getting anoyying. Ive gotten to the point where all the good weapons in vending machines are un-usable. Should i get the DLCs or just play through the game normally.
I cannot beilive the new update destroying our weapon farming, experiance and pearlscent weapons. Why did they do it also i need help to find a way to un update my borderlands so any help poeple.
Yes get vegas 2 it is an excellent game worth bying especially for online play. I would get it on pc though so its free and you get better connection. vs me plze GRIFFIN.
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