YeahI didn't follow launch as close as others but the initial claim was full import. Once it was decided thatan Advent Rising style trilogy wasto be made. I still think it's a jip though but again, just my opinion.
So I realize I am going to probably get flamed for this, as this game just got a 9.0 rating, but, what the h3ll happened to the whole "Bring your character over?" theme that gave me incentive to kick the first games @$$, fully expecting to bring my character over with everything intact??? I mean seriously. The opening of this game was the worst, and I am not sure I am even going to finish this one..... I mean why would I? Only to import my character into the 3rd one sans armor, inventory, class, and experience.... only to have him killed in the fisrt 5 minutes? I mean...... WTF Bioware!???? Why can't I just run around the universe with my already awesomely assembled team, maybe picking up new characters on the way? WHY? Why would you promise me a full import of my character only to pull the old bait and switch on me? I realize some people can forget about all that, but a lot of us were really looking forwad to hitting the ground running. Anyone else have this gripe or something similar? Anyone disagree? All comments welcome!
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to make your character skinny if he/she is too fat? Thanks. I have stopped eating and have gone to potions and have been running my a$$ off. lol.
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