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US as gamers

US as gamers. Your probably wondering what i mean with my title. Well let me start. Us as gamers have a great (gaming) life. Most if not all have now got the latest console(s), we game online, we are opinionated, we know what we like and we know the in's and out's of the gaming world.

All of that opening paragraph is now going to bring me onto the topic(s) i want to discuss. Christmas, Game shops and shop assistants!! They all sound normal just by saying them but they add as one chaotic entity.

Christmas is the time of the year us as gamers love. We are in the middle of the Fall release of games and if your cunning enough four or five of the great fall games are on your wishlist for Christmas. With the time some us have off for Christmas, be it Work holidays, College holidays, School holidays or your unemployed and every day is a holiday.... i kid. We can sit around and play that much wished for title, stuff our faces with turkey and enjoy the festivities. All sounds great doesn't it?

This is where US as gamers must come into play (pardon the pun lol). Game retailers and the shop assistants in them used to love gaming but now they are all about the money. Sales have to be made and sales assistants have to make targets. If your lost let me give you a true example of what i am talking about that i witnessed. I was in my local Game retailer and was browsing through the many games i yurn to have when i overheard a discussion between a mother and a sales assistant. The mother was looking for the best game to get on the PS3 so she can suprise her son. Now us as gamers know the truly good games to the badly developed wastes of money that arrive on the shelves. The shop assistant then turned to the lady and suggested that the best option for her son would be A) purchase Need for speed undercover B) FIFA 09 or an alternative which was the Wii with the Wii fit!! Does your gaming soul hurt? Mine does. This is where US as gamers must step in and help the bewildered mothers, fathers, girlfriends etc and help them make a constructive well purchased decision. I don't mean persuade them to choose the game you like but to help them.

We have enough very bad movie tie-in's and annual sequels cluttering up the charts when there is great games being made and overlooked. This in return kills our opputunity at having a good selection to purchase from. How many developers with great game titles get overlooked and subsequently go into liquidation because there game was not a sequal or movie tie-in. Now i am not saying that all of us purchase this way and that every great game gets lost in the annual sequal rush, it doesn't but most if not all game retailers operate in the way i just described.

My message is this, help the bewildered gamers, stop the retailers pushing rubbish at us and help game shoppers (politely and constructivley) make a proper purchase. Because US as gamers can make the difference. Merry Christmas and happy gaming.