Gta franchise expanded , shall I say exploded, into the 8th wonder of this world. It is fair to say that since the release of gta3 many games have tried to top Gta but failed. Gta has enhanced the gaming world and the "war to be the best" has begun. The game gave every other game developer a new perspective on what can be achieved, thus we the seriously obsessed gamers of the world demanded only to play the most popular games ever created.
Gta4 is in the history of entertainment one of the titles that topples most title sales since the birth of the console gaming industry. I have also purchased this title and was very much entertained . Advertisements and propaganda was very convincing and thus it created a certain "must have" feeling in every GTA fan. Rockstar thrived on secrecy and expectancy throughout the advertisement campaign. I think their campaign was a great success and they did a excellent job.
Spending currency on a title like GTA4? - money worth spending. However I think that Rockstar possesses more dept and imagination which is not being reflected in GTA4 but definitely in the previous GTA's. Are you crazy!! you might think. Let us be reasonable. Gta San Andreas was advanced although it lacked graphics and A.I. but for me it was a great game compared to games 10 definitely -compared to Rockstar 10 . The console PS2 was used to its' full potential. Time spend on the production of GTA SA was economically worth while.
Giving 10 out of 10 is only based on the fact that this is a very popular title , better than all other games and again the demand was quite big. GTA4 scored a few brownie points , I feel a 10 is appropriate only because the game is unique. I believe that Rockstar could have done better. Come on Rockstar you can do much better than a cell phone, bowling ally and a dart board. Give us back casinos, properties, wealth , health, business ,planes ,model air planes, self mod workshops and hook able trailers. Rated to Rockstar abilities I can for certain state that GTA4 ,although it sold most copies than any other game it could have been better. DO NOT CHANGE THE RECIPE IF THE FOOD IS GOOD! Leave out , the bad language (swearing) and why waste time on strip clubs (porn) , its just bad for children! Why rate the game so high , children are playing the game aswell . Get the overrated unethical stuff out of the game.
Your opinion might not be the same , but think about it for a while . How would you rate this game after you compared it with its own predecessor San Andreas? Rockstar made a brilliant sequel , it was however not their greatest effort.