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...And Beyond!

After hitting 900 games, it's time to look for the future. I gotta plan for space, and am gonna try to focus my efforts on things I really want to get (while keeping a mental list of what I have xD).

So, going to the flea market today I was able to mark off a few of the wanted list (marked with a *) and get some shelving for the room.

Alright, so let's bring on the damage:

Leading the list are some games I've looked for a long while.

Tomba!, PSOne, Disk Only, $7*

Kirby 64, N64, Cart Only, $22*

Mario Paint w/ Snes Mouse, $15*

While a bit on the high end, it's 3 games I really wanted, so sometimes when your eally want something and have looked everywhere to find, you gotta pay the piper. Usually, I never pay above a buck or so for a disk only game, but I wanted toomba that freaking bad. I usually tend to stray away from disk only games. Kirby is the second time i've paid $22 for just a cart. Paper Mario was the first (about 2 years ago or so). The next one down is Super Mario All-Stars for Snes, which I paid $20 for. After that cart only games i've paid for, are much, much lower.

So with that aside, I got these too.

(all cart only)

Yo! Noid, NES

Kickle Cubicle, NES

Spider-Man Return Of The Sinister Six, NES*

All 3 for $5 total.


Commando, NES

The Legend of Kage, NES

Dr. Mario, NES*

Tecmo Bow, NES*

All for $5 Total


Mortal Kombat, SNES

Skate Or Die, NES

Caveman Games, NES

Daffy Duck The Marvin Missions, SNES

The ren and Stimpy Show: Veediots, SNES

All for $10 total


I also got a nice big bookshelf made especially for games, $14

A user uplaoded a nice vid of the into to Tomba!
