Ok, I'm a Dragon Ball fan. I loved the anime and manga. I love quite a few games, even liked Burst Limit the last game. But playing Raging blast, I've realised that this game has quickly become a horrid, horrid game.
The computer cheats a lot to go into it's favor.
During cut scenes the opponent gains life back. Sometimes quite a few life bars.
Sometimes during cut scenes certain attack are unavoidable.
That's just the tip of it, but those three really have grinded on my nerves.
[spoiler] Facing Frieza, for example has been the most annoying - he kept gaining life back at cut scenes and then the final one where he went back to 100% form he gained back Seven, yes Seven life bars. and this was on EASY MODE! That's not making it difficult, not making it hard, that's just blatantly cheating...that doesn't even happen in the anime or manga! [/spoiler]
The storyline is also upcut horribly, at times making no sense at all.
Really stay away from this game. It's not the fact it's hard, it's not the fact it's difficult, it is just being plain unfair to the player.There's plenty of challenging games that do it right, this one does it WAY wrong.
Sure it has dlc, it has online play (though from what I heard that's even more horrid), lots of battle, 60 FPS.
But, that doesn't take away from the fact that the game just cheats away.