I gave the new Games For Windows Live client a whirl earlier testing it out to see how it is. I can see the groundwork being placed for the service, and it looks pretty organized so far. You can buy games, have it installed via the client, try demos, see videos, and such. Microsoft released Tinker today, a free Game for Windows Live, game, :p It features achievements, and all the pluses that future games (might have). In other words it features a lot of stuff that xbox users have, like being able to get achieves, send messages, and being able to talk to your friends (basically, it is like xbox live for windows). It's neat how it is set up.
If you get a chance, try the client and free game out.
Tinker is a neat puzzle game that features a robot who loves to dance. It hooked me :P (all funnies aside, it is actually pretty nice).
I hope to see more games like Tinker hit the Games For Windows service...see I can't play the higher end games cause my computer isn't built for it, but games like Tinker interest me. They still look nice, play nice, but don't require a powerful PC. Besides, I do like games that have achievements and enable me to talk to people at the same time. :P The ability to basically inter-hook to my existing xbox live account is a big plus to me. Hopefully, we do see more of these type of games for the service.