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Hey, I Got A New Look Too

I took about 30 Minutes yesterday and gave the blog as new look. and new Banner, It turned out pretty neat, and I think it goes well with the new Gamespot look. ;)


Now time for some updates on my 360 life. :)

Gamecamiller's Xbox - Aug 4 2008

Gamecamiller likes to game, I like to game, this is a match made in heaven! It takes a gamer score like 20,690 to be as cool as him. That is a profit of 185 points over last time! He opened up Guitar Hero III, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith adding 5 achievements, Worms gaining 1 achievement, Call of Duty 2 picking up 1 achievement, Pinball FX winning 1 achievement, and oh... man was it ever sweet!

Gamecamiller also wrapped up a gamerscore challenge today. Remember? It wasn't even a challenge really. It was more like a declaration of experience and skill as Gamecamiller won it all! The competition was fierce, but we had a great time. Plus, our gamerscore went through the roof! Awesome!


Gamecamiller's Weekly Recap - Aug 4 2008

Ok, here it is... your weekly recap of gaming: 6 days of gaming made me pretty happy for some reason. A big holler to Gamecamiller for honoring me with what little time I know is available. The gamerscore increase was just insane. I didn't think it would be possible to get 765 points in such a short span of time but we did. Who knew 38 achievements could be worth that much? Ok I knew that...

If I had a DOLLAR for every new game I played during the week, I would have 2 bucks! w00t! I can now add Call of Duty 2, and Full Auto to my collection... unless they were rentals or demos or betas. I couldn't tell. Also, according to the records, Gamecamiller must have been craving some racing because Full Auto was the weekly favorite. He played it on 4 of the days.

And that's all I got. I'm not a writer... just an Xbox.
