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I Won? I Didn't Even Know I Was Competing...

From My 360 voice Blog
Gamecamiller's Xbox - Jul 28 2008

"There are people out there who think video games are violent. But after Gamecamiller played yesterday with his gamerscore of 19,925 points, there wasn't any violence at all. A little drooling maybe but definitely no violence. That is an increase of 275 points over last time! He opened up DBZ: BURST LIMIT gaining an amazing 18 achievements, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith adding 5 achievements, Pinball FX, and did it while marvelling at the framerates and stellar particle effects.

Gamecamiller also wrapped up a gamerscore challenge today. Remember? In a hard fought battle of grit, determination, and blistered thumbs, Gamecamiller took first place! Well done! It was a pretty solid challenge with the 4 other people. Good times were had by all. I hope we do it again."


Side Note:

I love the accessability of tagging in the new site :p

Second Side Note:

I uploaded 3 vids. I'm gonna upload a few mroe later this week. uploading vids works for me again!
