This was a great Christmas this year. Got the whole weekend off, and some great games. :)
First, 2 games since my last blog:
Blacklight Tango Down, PC $0.99 (this was from that $0.99 GFWL sale a while back)
Lara Croft and the Gaurdian of Light, 600 MS points (Christmas sale promotion; finally got my hands on this game)
Now my Christmas gifts :p
First, from my wonderful Girlfriend:
Halo 2, PC (Finally got the Halo 2 pc version, ya for windows live :D)
Dead 2 Rights: Retribution, X360
Alan Wake, X360
The rest is from my family:
Rock Band 3 With Keyboard Controller, X360
Guitar Hero Legends of Rock, X360 (This came with the new Soungarden Complimation CD, Spoonman!)
Sonic Colors, Wii (Wow guys, seriously if you are a Sonic fan you must get this game. It's freaking amazing!)
Red Dead Redemption, X360 (Yep, I finally got it)
Blur, X360
Split/Second, X360
Enslaved, X360
Dante's Inferno, x360
A great year for Xmas with games :D