I finally got a HDTV today. It's pretty sweet with all the options it has, multiple connectivites, featuring bonuses such as a DVD player, usb ports, card reader ports, and more. 360 looks darn good in high def widescreen.
CES seemed pretty good this year, nothing amazing, but I do like microsoft's connectivity to everything. Things seem to be getting easier, and in my opinion, that's good. Technology shoudln't be getting mroe complex for a user, it should be getting easier for them to use and understand.
The weekend is here, and i hope to do some gaming. this week i've been pretty laxed gaming wise, mainly because I've been so tired lately.
Xbox live doesn't seem to be getting that much better with all these hiccups lately. It must have really got me yesterday, because even though I played games, my xbox 360's voicblog thinks I didn't play a thing yesterday. I'm not buying a gold card till this mess is fixed. prolly the same goes for any points. I don't want to waste my money if I can't even access the dashboard. xX